A map of the Burnaby region indicating locations of project work

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is delivering the Holdom Overpass project in partnership with the City of Burnaby, CN, and the Government of Canada.

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phone 604.665.9004

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A rendering of an overpass crossing over train tracks

About the project

The new four-lane overpass will extend Holdom Avenue south, over the rail corridor and Still Creek, connecting it with Douglas Road. Once complete, the Holdom Overpass will replace the Douglas Road rail crossing. As a result, there will be improved safety and connections for the Burnaby community, improved emergency response, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.  

The port authority selected Aecon-Gateway Infrastructure Group as the successful design build proponent through a competitive procurement process.  

The Holdom Overpass will also increase transportation efficiency and trade capacity through the port terminals on the North Shore. As part of the Burnaby Rail Corridor Improvements Project, CN completed the rail improvements in 2022, which included updates to the Thornton Tunnel to reduce the time between trains travelling through the tunnel and a new rail siding track running from Willingdon Avenue to Piper Avenue. 

Project benefits

The port authority has a positive track record of delivering high-quality projects based on best practices in sustainability, environmental protection, and engagement.

for road users, pedestrians, and cyclists associated with road-train conflicts

associated with vehicles no longer idling at existing crossings

to allow police, fire, and ambulance services to get to incidents faster and more easily

with growth in local jobs via growth in trade

by eliminating blockages caused by rail traffic

such as First Nations cultural recognition, public art, lookouts, seating, integration of native species in landscaping plans

in the growing Brentwood Town Centre by reducing congestion and travel times along local roadways

with enhanced pedestrian and cycling facilities


  • 2017 – Project submitted to the National Trade Corridors Fund for funding
  • 2018 – The Government of Canada confirmed funding to design and build the project through the National Trade Corridors Fund
  • 2019 to 2022 – Design and construction of tunnel ventilation upgrades and new rail track by CN 
  • 2020 to 2023 – Technical analysis, design development, and public and stakeholder engagement for the Holdom overpass 
  • 2024 to 2027 – Overpass construction and closure of Douglas Street crossing depending on funding and approval of final design

Timelines are subject to change

Funding partners

This project is funded by the Government of Canada through the National Trade Corridors Fund, the port authority, and CN.

Project partners

Vancouver Fraser Port Authority

Working closely with the City of Burnaby, the port authority is leading technical assessments, design development, and public and stakeholder engagement on the Holdom overpass and closing the Douglas Road rail crossing to all users once the overpass is constructed and operational.

City of Burnaby

The Holdom overpass was first identified by the City of Burnaby 40 years ago in their transportation plan. They are collaborating with the port authority to ensure the Holdom overpass responds to the current and future needs of the community. They will own and maintain the Holdom overpass when it is complete.




CN operates trains on the Westminster Subdivision. CN completed the rail improvements in 2022, which included updates to the Thornton Tunnel to reduce the time between trains travelling through the tunnel and a new rail siding track running from Willingdon Avenue to Piper Avenue.