Permit status
Review category


In September 2023, Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Ltd. (Neptune) submitted a project permit application to replace two existing shiploaders at Berth 2 and a sheetpile wall. Marine habitat is also proposed at Lynn Creek Estuary. The project is located at 1001 Low Level Road, North Vancouver, B.C., on federal lands and waters managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.

Port authority-led engagement and consultation

As part of the Project and Environmental Review for the proposed project under the Impact Assessment Act, the proposed project will be posted on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry with an opportunity for public comment between September 27 and October 26, 2023.The port authority will conduct formal consultation activities with stakeholders and Indigenous groups as part of the Project and Environmental Review process.

Applicant-led public engagement

As part of the Project and Environmental Review process, Neptune is required to solicit public feedback on the proposed project, results of technical studies and proposed mitigation measures.

Between September 27 and October 26, 2023, Neptune is inviting public comment on their proposed project. 

All public comments should be sent directly to Neptune. Please submit your feedback about the proposed project by visiting the Applicant’s project website.

All public feedback sent directly to the port authority during the public engagement period will be forwarded to Neptune for inclusion in the public engagement process. The port authority will consider all feedback received from the public, stakeholders and Indigenous groups as part of the Project and Environmental Review of the proposed project.

About the project 

Neptune is proposing to replace the existing quadrant style shiploader (comprised of two shiploaders) with a single travelling slewing potash shiploader and an existing sheetpile wall with a combi-wall (the “B2 Project”) at Berth 2 of their terminal. Marine habitat offsetting is also proposed at Lynn Creek Estuary (the “LCE Project”). Habitat offsetting is proposed for the B2 Project as part of a Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fisheries Act Authorization application.

Replacement of the shiploader is proposed as the existing shiploader is at the end of its service life. The new shiploader would accommodate ongoing operations at Neptune Bulk Terminals and would be capable of continuously loading vessels at up to 6,300 tonnes per hour. The proposed daily throughput would remain unchanged. There are no proposed changes to vessel or train traffic.Replacement of the sheetpile wall is proposed to bring the wall into alignment with building code requirements, seismic design standards, and to accommodate future sea level rise.B2 Project works would be marine- and land-based.

The LCE Project includes the construction of a shallow rock reef habitat within the Lynn Creek Estuary. The proposed rock reef is designed to provide settlement substrate for a variety of marine vegetation types, including sugar and bull kelps and to provide critical refuge habitat for salmonids and forage fish species. Boulders would be placed using marine equipment.Habitat offsetting also includes compensatory measures through the Neptune Bulk Terminals Bull Kelp Restoration Program, which will explore scientific approaches to enhance and/or restore bull kelp habitat.

Project activities and components include the following:

B2 Project:

  • Replacement of the existing quadrant style shiploader comprised of two shiploaders with a new single travelling slewing potash shiploader and approach conveyors. To support the new shiploader, piles, marine structures, fenders, and associated equipment are required.
  • Replacement of the existing sheetpile wall with a combi-wall system. The new combi-wall system includes piling (alternating king pile and sheetpiles), anchor rods, and an anchor wall and cope beam to support the north shiploader rail beam. The area between the combi-wall and existing bulkhead wall would be infilled.
  • Installation of vibro-replacement stone columns as a ground improvement technique to stabilize the liquifiable soils in front and behind the combi-wall.

LCE Project:

  • Placement of three sizes of rock using marine-based equipment.

Anticipated construction hours and schedule:

It is anticipated that most B2 and LCE Project activities would be carried out during standard working hours (Monday to Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. excluding Sundays and BC/federal statutory holidays. However, some activities may occur outside of these hours.

Should the proposed project be approved, B2 Project construction is expected to take approximately three years. LCE Project construction is expected to take two to three weeks to complete.

Permit details


Neptune Bulk Terminals Ltd.

Application Number

  • 21-068


B2 Project documents

Management Plans and Reports
July 2021  – Fire Safety Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
October 2021  – Emissions Overview Memorandum: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
March 2022  – Energy Study: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
March 2022  – Lighting Study: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
June 2022  – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
August 2022  – Soil Management Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
August 2022  – Hazardous Building Materials Assessment: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
January 2023  – Water Management Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
February 2023  – Asbestos Management Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Construction Environmental Management Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Marine Fish and Fish Habitat Existing Conditions Report: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Noise Threshold Analysis Report: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
January 2023 - Public Engagement and Consideration Report: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]

February 2022  – Concept Geotechnical Design Report: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
April 2023  – Design Drawings 1-34: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
April 2023  – Design Drawings 35-68: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
April 2023  – Design Drawings 69-102: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Watermain Realignment and Replacement Drawings: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]

Extended Work Hour Request and Plan
July 2023  – Request to Conduct Construction Outside of Standard Work Hours: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Extended Hours Work Plan: Neptune B2 Project [PDF]

LCE Project documents
April 2023  – Lynn Creek Estuary Offset Plan: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]
June 2023  – Preliminary Project Sedimentation Assessment: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Request to Conduct Construction Outside of Standard Work Hours: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Construction Environmental Management Plan: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Fish and Fish Habitat Existing Conditions Report: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]
July 2023  – Design Basis Report: Neptune LCE Project [PDF]

Contact information

To provide feedback on Neptune’s proposed project, please go to the applicant’s website or phone at 604.983.7935.

For questions regarding the Project and Environmental Review of the proposed project, or to get in touch with our team, please contact us by email or phone at 604.665.9047. 

Please note, when receiving public feedback as part of the PER process, the port authority may collect your personal information, i.e., your name, contact information and personal views and opinions, to inform the PER process for a proposed project. Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties, such as our tenants, in order for them to respond directly to you or help inform our response. You are entitled to submit a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner office here.